The Company was founded in 2014.
The Company has two directors, Jan and Ken Lewtas. Ken’s background is in science, technology and business. He has created many new successful products which have been and are in use worldwide, some of them for over three decades. He has also created new businesses and knows the value of shared profitability for the business relationships and a deep scientific understanding to support the developments and solve problems. Jan’s background is in insurance. She is the one who keeps things going in the background.
Ken has visiting professor positions at the University of Warwick and University of Edinburgh. He also has strong links and projects with the Universities of Leeds, Oxford, Cambridge and Imperial College London, The Hartree Centre, the Diamond Light Source as a Visiting Scientist, member of the Diamond Industrial Science Committee (DISCo) and the Science Advisory Committee (SAC). He is also the Hon Secretary, Treasurer and Trustee of the UK High Polymer Research Group (HPRG).
We also have key links with institutions all over the world so we can draw on a wide range of the best expertise and knowledge built up over the years. We have a range of projects in progress at the moment ranging from complex molecular modelling to synthesis to processing to engineering.
University of Warwick
University of Edinburgh
In special circumstances we can also provide scientific, technological and business help to institutions and industries that are interested.